I am: educationalists, lecturer, IS researcher, writer, proofreader, and reviewer.

My interests: corporate information systems, supply chain management, computer based optimization modeling, object oriented analysis and design, decision support systems, and Islamic point of view issue.

Ditdit Nugeraha Utama is my name. By accessing this web, you can know me more. I really like to share something to others; books, articles, journals, important information, vision statement, mission statement, and others. I am a researcher in Laboratory Optimization Models and Systems of Decision Support and also a faculty member of faculty of Science and Technology (specifically in department of Information Systems) in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. My research area is in Information Systems, technically focus on Supply Chain Management, Computer Modeling, Optimization Models, and Decision Support Systems.

In fact, my under graduated came from Informatics of Bina Nusantara University - Indonesia. I have double degrees of Master; the first master came from Information System of Bina Nusantara University - Indonesia, and my second master came from Master of Commerce of Curtin University - Australia. I got a doctoral degree from Bogor Agricultural University (Industrial Engineering Department), where my research was Applied Information System implemented in perishable product supply chain management case. In this research area, I have produced applied intelligent systems for optimizing supply chain performance. I got doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat) as well in computer science. Here, I conducted the research by using Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) approach in enviromental informatics area, with issue "optimization of 3-d stucture of plants", in Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; Department of Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth; University of Göttingen.

Practically, I have produced more than 8 books (5 books in computer science field and 3 non-fiction books), more than 30 scientific papers and some little stories in my blogs (me and my notes about phenomenon; me and my notes about IT; me and my flight). For national education perspective, I write some ideas for Indonesia education systems in kompasiana media. In addition, I have ever gotten 'the best paper' of Computer and Information Technology field in international conference in Taichung, Taiwan, 2011.

All in all, I really like to share skill and knowledge, discuss something, and talk idealism perspectives, especially for looking for the best solution for our nation's problems. This media will facilitate us to do that, to reach better future.